Our Mission

    To drive alignment of a global supply chain with a focus on regulatory compliance, social responsibility and sustainability, incorporating robust systems and risk mitigation efforts to ensure we support Qorvo's business requirements.

    Our Team

    Qorvo's Corporate Social Responsibility program forms the basis of our ethical standards and is our guide and management policy for maintaining our status as a good, global corporate citizen. As a global corporation, Qorvo is accountable for our actions and policies that affect people, our local and extended communities, and the environment.

    Our team monitors regulations around the world and works with industry partners to ensure that we and our suppliers provide our customers with products that meet the highest manufacturing expectations. Our mission includes compliance with laws, regulations and initiatives around product compliance (i.e., RoHS & REACH), responsible sourcing, and social responsibility.

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    Product Compliance

    Qorvo is committed to minimizing the environmental impact of its products while complying with all applicable laws and regulations regarding banned and restricted substances.

    Policies and position statements on key issues are provided below:

    For questions regarding the product compliance of a specific Qorvo product, please contact us at QorvoGreen@Qorvo.com.

    To learn more about our product compliance requirements for suppliers, please visit the Supplier Responsibility page.

    Responsible Sourcing

    Qorvo shares in the global concerns related to the mining and trade of mineral resources. Such activities have been linked to financing armed conflict and extreme human rights abuses, and Qorvo is committed to ensuring that its sourcing activities do not support such issues.

    To learn more about our approach to responsible sourcing, see:


    Social Responsibility

    Qorvo is committed to being a good corporate citizen and partnering with suppliers that understand and support Qorvo's mission. To learn more about our approach to social responsibility, including labor, health and safety, environment and ethics, see:

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